So as you know I have been keeping my promise to us. Doing our hair on a regular basis. But what good is doing your hair if you don't have the right stuff. So I have started us on the journey of using only high quality products. So far I have purchased the It's a curl collection from curls for my booba. We are starting to run low on California Baby so now is as good a time as any to buy a new brand. I can't wait till it arrives. This line will have a tough act to follow, seeing as I love love love California Baby,
For myself I brought some Oyin Handmade products. I have been wanting to buy Oyin from sometime now. I brought the Whipped Pudding, Burnt Sugar Pomade and the Juices and Berries leave in conditioner. All of the products have gotten rave reviews from my fellow members of Napptuality. So I must admit I will be stalking the mail until my products arrive.
And what good are good products without good tools? Yea so my babe already has the D86 aka the Baby D brush. It is the baby brush from the Oh so Famous Denman company. I love her brush. But I was in search of a good comb for her. first I came across the famous and expensive Kent line. I love em and I know I'm splurging but I cant justify buying a 35 or 50 dollar baby brush. But with more searching I found

Whats the big deal with the brushes and combs you ask? Plastic combs tend to have seams which may snag your hair, leading to split ends and breakage. They also cause static. On the contrary natural combs distributes the oil your body produces more evenly through your hair. Wood, bone and horn combs are more pricey than plastic combs. Wood tending to be the cheapest and horn the most expensive. Although I have seen some beautiful handcrafted wood combs for as high as 98 dollars. No worries I will not today or ever be spending that much on a comb. But I do plan to buy a few, maybe one to two of each kind....... Their is something so romantic and beautiful about a hand crafted item. Like taking a step back into history. Even the fact that natural combs have to be maintained is sweet. If you are eco conscious or vegan you can always buy a comb made of substitutable wood. Below are some of the beautiful combs I have seen. Click on it to see the owners other products.