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Mar 24, 2012

My top 10 healthy things for this year (So far)

1 ******My Brita water bottle.

a. This bottle is so cool. It carries 20 ounces of water, so if I drink three bottles full I have my 8 glasses. But the REALLY cool thing is the built in filter. So I can take water from any sink or fountain and have clean cold water instantly. It’s healthy for me AND the environment. Oh and I purchased it in a really cute purple color and it's only about 10 dollars !:-D

2) *****Gnu bars.

a. I discovered these bars by chance. But I am so glad I did, they have literally changed my life. I was in Marshells, hungry and they looked tasty and healthy so I gave them a try. Once I got back to my friends (I was on vacation) I did research on them and decided they are amazing. Most Americans do not have enough fiber in their diet. I am no longer one of those Americans. I eat one bar a day five days a week. I take them with me to work and eat them as one of my snacks for the day. They are really tasty (which says a LOT for a fiber bar). They come in a variety of flavors, which helps in preventing me from getting bored. I believe at this point I have tried all ten flavors and their inst one that I didn’t like. I do like some more than others. They are made out of natural ingredients; contain no added sugar, no high fructose syrup, no saturated fat, and no hydrogenated oils. Best of all they are almost 50% of your fiber intake.

3) *****Chips and dip re-vamped!

a. So I love chips and dip. But my chips and sour cream and onion habit was no bueno. I have a history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol…. So munching on this high in cholesterol and sodium was not a good look.

b. So I ditched the chips and switched to tortilla chips. My favorite kinds right now are Trader Joes sweet potato tortilla chip rounds (not to high in sodium, a hint of protein and fiber) these are my weekday chips. During the week I am more likely to have a high protein high fiber diet to I do not need as much in my snacks) and their soy and flaxseed tortilla chips (best thing ever! High in protein, omega 3’s and fiber!)

c. I also have said bye bye to my sour cream and onion dip, which was really high in fat, sodium and all things I didn’t need. I have replaced it with guacamole and hummus. My favorites right now are both Trader Joes. I am eating (literally) the Hummus Quartet, which has regular hummus, roasted red pepper hummus, roasted garlic hummus and parsley scallion hummus. I love variety. I am also loving avocado in my turkey sandwiches and turkey burgers.

4) ******Beachbody

a. I have spoken about shakeology before. Well it has made a come back. They have recently developed a new flavor, Tropical strawberry. This flavor is tasty and vegan. I currently have all three flavors, chocolate, greenberry and the strawberry and I alternate. I drink about a half a glass before my work out and the rest after. I will say hands down chocolate and strawberry are my favorite flavors. If I HAD to pick one it would be the strawberry because it is very versatile and has a lighter taste (could be due to the way I prepare it, I tend to use juice when I make strawberry and almond milk when I make the chocolate). Let me not forget, the most important part to mention it is high in protein and better than a multi vitamin.

b. Cha-lean! If I ever see this woman in person I am giving her a big hug. I have not been a person to stick to a workout routine, but she makes it possible. It is convenient because it is in my home. Her programs have lots of variety so I do not get bored. They have the perfect balance of fun and intensity. I love how structured beachbody’s programs are because I know exactly what to do on what day. Cha-lean herself is really motivating and her music selection get’s you moving. I am currently doing a hybrid of her Turbo fire and cha-lean extreme.

5) *****Dried fruit

a. So I love fruit and I eat it often. But it is not the MOST convenient snack at work. It works well when I eat my breakfast and my lunch, but those in between nibbles, it’s a little difficult to be neat and discrete. Anyway I love dried fruit, they satisfy my sweet tooth and are healthy. Be careful though, because many dried fruits have added sugar. I stay away from added sugar, if it has it I won’t buy it. I also do my best to avoid dried fruit with sulfur. I have not has a reaction to it, I just prefer things to have as little added ingredients as possible.

6) *****Uncle Sam Cereal

a. The original brand is made with Whole Wheat Berry Flakes and Flaxseed. It has 10 g of fiber, less than 1 gram of sugar, 7 g of protein and Omega-3! I tend to eat it with chocolate almond milk or very vanilla soy milk.

a****Fage greek yogurt.

a. Yes I joined the greek yogurt craze. But it really is great, I buy the plain 2% flavor and add my own fruit and sweetener. High in protein, high in pro biotic, high in flavor, and low in fat, you can’t beat it!

8) *****Dark chocolate!

a. If you know me you know I love chocolate. I must say that I am typically drawn to milke chocolate. Probably because it is most common. Well I have made the switch to dark. Did you know dark chocolate is high in antioxidants. It can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It gives you endorphins, or that happy feeling AND it is good for your skin. Yep I am on a serving size a day chocolate diet.

9) *****Tea

a. I have always preferred tea to coffee, but now I have found a new love of it. I have a large collection of teas, ginger, thai, chai, Echinacea and various blends to help with skin, colds and other health concerns I could go on. Tea has numerous health benefits from weight management, or emotional health to immune system support. Plus it is tasty and a nice alternative to sugar juices and flavorful supplement to water. I drink tea hot and iced, depending on my mood and the time of day.

1 *****Zumba

a. So Cha-lean will remain my main work out routine. But for those days when I just want to dance, or when I want to throw in an extra work out, zumba is my go to thing. I have purchased all three of the zumba fitness programs. I am currently writing a workout schedule incorporating all three, as when I finsh my 20 week journey with chalean I will approach my zumba fitness. Zumba is fun and intense and I can’t wait to go on that journey next!

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